Party --- February, 1999 --- Ithaca, NY

Farewell Jeff Murder Mystery. The email I wrote when leaving town is included below.

   It's too soon, too soon to say goodbye.
        -- Les Miserables

It is official.  For those who didn't know, I've been considering
and have accepted a job in the Washington D.C. area.  The job is
an exciting opportunity to work in my area of expertise -- mass 
storage for supercomputers.  I will still be an IBM employee and
will continue to report to the same management in Houston.

   So long, farewell
   Auf wiedersehen, adieu
   Adieu, adieu to yieu, and yieu, and yieu
        -- The Sound of Music

I expect to move down there around the end of February.  There will
be plenty of time for all of you in Ithaca to throw me a big goodbye
party.  Perhaps you should throw several parties so that everyone
has an opportunity to attend.  Let me know if you need help planning...

   How can there be any sin in sincere
   Where is the good in goodbye?
        -- The Music Man

As much as I love the Ithaca area, it is exciting to think that
soon I'll be living in an area which is not surrounded by Devonian
shale for 100 miles in all directions (a crumbly rock, for those
of you who are not climbers).  In addition to good rock, the DC/VA/MD
area has plenty of biking, hiking and trail running opportunities,
excellent theater and restaurants, and is just a short... umm... plane
ride away from superb downhill, cross-country and snowboarding.  I
plan to find some hills to bike (or at least a freeway overpass) so
that I can stay in shape and return for our annual Cayuga Lake ride.

   I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye, goodbye          
        -- The Sound of Music

For some of you, this is an opportunity to be even closer to me
than you currently are.  Rachel, Hussein and baby Saidi will have
crazy Uncle Jeff to play with.  The Noveaus and Darflers will trade
places as my local/distant second cousins.  Joanna and Carl, just
remember:  Queens, Jacks, and Diamonds are trump.  And don't even think
about fleeing to another country -- I'll just follow again.

   My eyes a-shine like new again,
   My manner poised and calm,
   No sign of tears, not even a sigh.
   And so, till when we gaze again, goodbye!
        -- Camelot

For at least one other person this will be a wonderful opportunity.
Yes, the Cornell Outdoor Club will need a new Snow Sports chairperson.
Imagine the fame!  Imagine the glory!  Imagine having your own key
to the building!  It only takes a few hours a semester, and that time
counts as a work session towards active membership.  Let me know real
soon, I'm sure there will be hundreds of applicants for this prestigious

   I can't believe this is goodbye
        -- Rent

Please forgive my sending this announcement via email to a huge list.
It certainly must be a breach of etiquette.  And please do your best
to direct your witty and poignant replies to only me.  If you aren't
sure how to avoid replying to the entire list, then a phone call instead
of email would be much appreciated.

   We'll have early morning madness
   We'll have magic in the making
   Yes, everything's as if we never said goodbye
        -- Sunset Boulevard

Whatever email address you use for me should continue to work.  You will
all be informed as soon as I have a new address and phone number.  I do
expect visitors.


   So long, farewell
   Auf wiedersehen, goodbye
        -- The Sound of Music

Josh (Joanna), me (Inspector), Rajesh (Tex), Christine (Will) (Category:  Party)

Josh (Joanna), me (Inspector), Rajesh (Tex), Christine (Will)    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999

Marci (Josh), Gerri (Alan) (Category:  Party)

Marci (Josh), Gerri (Alan)    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999

Beth (Mike), Nicole (Phil the landlord), Frank (Marge the landlady), John (Eustace the boss) (Category:  Party)

Beth (Mike), Nicole (Phil the landlord), Frank (Marge the landlady), John (Eustace the boss)    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999

Josh (Joanna), Jinmi (Carl), Will (Tina) with Mr. Tree in the background. (Category:  Party)

Josh (Joanna), Jinmi (Carl), Will (Tina) with Mr. Tree in the background.    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999

Rajesh (Tex), Frank (Marge), John (Eustace), Nicole (Phil) (Category:  Party)

Rajesh (Tex), Frank (Marge), John (Eustace), Nicole (Phil)    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999

Will (Tina), Marci (Josh), Rajesh (Tex). (Category:  Party)

Will (Tina), Marci (Josh), Rajesh (Tex). Not pictured is Walter who wasn't at the party, but called in several clues throughout the evening. The murderer turned out to be Joanna. She killed Jeff with poison V8 juice to get his money.    Ithaca, NY -- February, 1999