Ice Climbing --- 1/6/2006 - 1/8/2006 --- Adirondacks
Sunday morning both Jesse and Rayko were nursing black toenails. Jesse hadn't trimmed his before the trip and all the kicking left them damaged. Rayko had new boots which were too small for him. One year earlier I suffered a set of black toenails from ice climbing in the Adirondacks, so I appreciated their predicament. We made a quick stop at the Mountaineer so Rayko could buy boots a half size larger. Then drove to Pitchoff where we intended to climb Sisters Left or Right. They were both occupied, so Jesse led a route between the two. It had a tough 12' pillar which was beyond vertical. After we finished that climb we got on Sisters Left which was in fat condition. It was a long, mellow pitch that felt easy even with the Shrikes. A nice finale to our trip.
Jesse led every climb of the trip. He was climbing very well. Rayko and I were also happy with our climbing. Nobody hung on the rope during any climb of the weekend.
Lesson Learned #1: A snowboard helmet is better for ice climbing than a climbing helmet. It is warm and provides excellent coverage. But there is no place to attach a headlamp and you look like a bumblie.
Lesson Learned #2: A digital camera is great for ice climbing as long as you can manually set the white balance. But you have to figure out a way to keep the batteries warm.
Lesson Learned #3: Make sure everyone on an ice climbing trip trims their toenails before the start of the trip. Otherwise your car keys may end up in the toilet.