Rock Climbing
--- 10/27/2005 - 10/28/2005
--- Gunks
Very cold climbing at the Gunks. On Thursday we climbed Moondance and Sundance. Fun climbs,
except for the last 20' of each which is a bit of a bushwhack. Climbed down Roger's Escape Hatch
and was nearly killed by a huge bouncing boulder. Friday we started on Double Chin. This is the
only 5.5 G climb which has ever had me in complete terror. By the time I reached the crux at the
second overhang, my hands were completely numb. I got stuck in the middle of the overhang and was
unable to tell what the heck my hands were touching. After much panic and crying, I decided the
climb was 5.5 so I must be touching good holds. I pulled the easy move and arrived at the giant
oak. Whew! Then we relaxed on Rhododendron, took a run up Strictly From Nowhere, and finished
the day on Bunny.
-- 10/27/2005 - 10/28/2005
Leading Rhododendron.
-- 10/27/2005 - 10/28/2005