Ice Climbing
--- 1/31/2009, 2/7/2009
--- Lick Brook
Ravi's pictures from the Spring '09 COE ice climbing class.
I brought my mountaineering axe so the students could see the difference.
Lick Brook
-- 1/31/2009
Lick Brook
-- 1/31/2009
We outfit our students with the best gear. Sometimes.
Lick Brook
-- 1/31/2009
Lick Brook
-- 1/31/2009
Lick Brook
-- 1/31/2009
Tons of ice!
Six Mile Creek
-- 2/7/2009
Tammy and Abe
Six Mile Creek
-- 2/7/2009
Yea for climbing!
Six Mile Creek
-- 2/7/2009