Rock Climbing --- 9/23/2011 - 9/25/2011 --- Rumney
Everyone was staying at D Acres and I joined them for dinner. D Acres is an amazing place and we all prepared a spectacular multi-course meal. I'd definitely stay there in the future (if I'm not sleeping in my car in the Rumney parking lot). They allow camping for $10/person/night. It isn't the cheapest place but it has a really nice vibe to it.
Sunday the rock still wasn't dry. We went to Main Cliff where I led Big Easy and Toxic Gumbo, both new climbs for me. Will joined us for most of the day. He set a toprope on Little Big Man (5.11b) and I did it with one hang even though most of the climb was soaking wet (key holds were dry though). Climbed Gold Digger to clean the anchors, then led Armed and Dangerous... one of my favorite climbs at Rumney.
Done for the day, everyone departed for home. Except me, I continued east to Boston (that's the next album on this site).
Thanks to Chris for most of the photos.