Rock Climbing --- 10/6/2017 - 10/10/2017 --- Gunks
Saturday was our best weather forecast, so we got on it. Ryan, Kristen and I climbed Disneyland, Layback, Betty and Jackie. We finished the day with a few topropes including Sonja and Red Cabbage Right.
Rain in the morning on Sunday had us teaching gear placement and playing on topropes on Laurel and Rhododendron. In the afternoon the rock was semi-dry so Kristen, Ben and I climbed Beginners Delight.
Monday it rained all day. We started at the Visitor's Center. Spent a few soggy hours teaching anchor building and vertical rescue. Then finished the day at Rock and Snow.
Sunshine on Tuesday! Too bad we didn't have the whole day to climb. John, Ryan and I climbed Arrow and Limelight before heading back to Ithaca.