Marissa investigated, like a scientist (Category:  Travel)

Marissa investigated, like a scientist. Then we stood around for about fifteen minutes with our toes in the water, vigilant for the jellyfish that were EVERYWHERE. We really wanted to swim, and weighed the idea that it would be worth it even if we got stung, and decided it wasn't worth it, but couldn't quite leave. Then we saw a toddler in a pink bikini barrel down the beach holding a jellyfish and screaming "Look Daddy, I got one!" We were both checking ourselves from shouting for her to drop it. But then her father followed her into the water, scooped up a jellyfish, and tossed it at her. We asked him if they stung, and he said no, and dropped one into our hands. Then we swam! It turns out that brushing up against floating gelatinous blobs every few seconds is a totally painless but very odd feeling.    Co Galway, Ireland -- 7/18/2014